359 days

359 days left of 2011. Here are my wishes and resolutions for the new year.

+ this includes:
   - carefully choose what I buy (Do I really need the 
     100th black sweater? Does it go with my body type? Is it 
     suitable for work? If not: when exactly and how often will I 
     be able to wear it?)
   - try to avoid synthetics
   - limit the number of shoes and bags (If I really want a new 
     one, an old one has to go!)
   - DIY more often (made-to-measure AND unique)
   - buy classic rather than trendy pieces
   - last but not least: be creative and try to build 
     new outfits from what is already in my wardrobe


Annka said...

Wieder zu tanzen ist immer ne super idee!
Meine Vorsätze gehen auch in die "Brauch ich das?" und "Mehr Qualität" - Richtung, mal sehen ob ich das schaffe :D
Annka von

Cyberena said...

Approved! Let's always remind each other to buy quality and classic style...:-)

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